
Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahan


HENRY BURGWASH, who became Bishop of Lincoln on the 28th of May 1320, is chiefly memorable on account of a curious ghost story recorded of him in connection with the manor of Fingest, in Bucks. Until the year 1845, Buckinghamshire was in the diocese of Lincoln, and formerly the bishops of that see possessed considerable estates and two places of residence in the county. They had the palace of Wooburn, near Marlow, and a manorial residence at Fingest, a small secluded village near Wycomb. Their manor-house of Fingest, the ruins of which still exist, stood near the church, and was but a plain mansion, of no great size or pretensions. And why those princely prelates, who possessed three or four baronial palaces, and scores of manor-houses superior to this, chose so often to reside here, is unknown. Perhaps it was on account of its sheltered situation, or from its suitableness for meditation, or because the surrounding country was thickly wooded and well stocked with deer; for in the "merrie days of Old England," bishops thought no harm in heading a hunting party. Be this as it may, certain it is that many of the early prelates of Lincoln, although their palace of Wooburn was near at hand, often preferred to reside at their humble manor-house of Fingest. One of these was Henry Burgwash, who has left reminiscences of his residence here more amusing to posterity than creditable to himself. "He was," says Fuller, "neither good for church nor state, sovereign nor subjects; but was covetous, ambitious, rebellious, injurious. Yet he was twice lord treasurer, once chancellor, and once sent ambassador to Bavaria. He died A.D. 1340. Such as wish to be merry," continues Fuller, "may read the pleasant story of his apparition being condemned after death to be viridis viridarius--a green forester." In his Church History, Fuller gives this pleasant story: "This Burgwash was he who, by mere might, against all right and reason, took in the common land of many poor people (without making the least reparation), therewith to complete his park at Tinghurst (Fingest). These wronged persons, though seeing their own bread, beef; and mutton turned into the bishop's venison, durst not contest with him who was Chancellor of England, though he had neither law nor equity in his proceeding." He persisted in this cruel act of injustice even to the day of his death; but having brought on himself the hatred and maledictions of the poor, he could not rest quietly in his grave; for his spirit was doomed to wander about that land which he had, while living, so unjustly appropriated to himself. It so happened, however, as we are gravely informed by his biographer, that on a certain night he appeared to one of his former familiar friends, apparelled like a forester, all in green, with a bow and quiver, and a bugle-horn hanging by his side. To this gentleman he made known his miserable case. He said, that on account of the injuries he had done the poor while living, he was now Compelled to be the park-keeper of that place which he had so wrongfully enclosed. He therefore entreated his friend to repair to the canons of Lincoln, and in his name to request them to have the bishop's park reduced to its former extent, and to restore to the poor the land which he had taken from them. His friend duly carried his message to the canons, who, with equal readiness, complied with their dead bishop's ghostly request, and deputed one of their prebendaries, William Bacheler, to see the restoration properly effected. The bishop's park was reduced, and the common restored to its former dimensions; and the ghostly park-keeper was no more seen.
HENRY BURGWASH, yang menjadi Uskup Lincoln pada 28 Mei 1320, yang terutama berkesan karena cerita hantu penasaran tercatat dia sehubungan dengan manor Fingest, di Bucks. Sampai tahun 1845, Buckinghamshire berada di Keuskupan Lincoln, dan sebelumnya para uskup yang melihat memiliki perkebunan besar dan dua tempat tinggal di daerah ini. Mereka memiliki istana Wooburn, dekat Marlow, dan tempat tinggal berkenaan dgn tanah milik bangsawan di Fingest, sebuah desa terpencil kecil dekat Wycomb. manor-rumah mereka Fingest, reruntuhan yang masih ada, berdiri di dekat gereja, dan tapi sebuah rumah sederhana, tidak ada ukuran besar atau pretensi. Dan mengapa pangeran orang pejabat gereja, yang memiliki tiga atau empat istana yg berkenaan dgn baron, dan skor dari manor-rumah unggul ini, begitu sering memilih untuk tinggal di sini, tidak diketahui. Mungkin karena situasi terlindung, atau dari suitableness untuk meditasi, atau karena negara sekitarnya berhutan tebal dan juga diisi dengan rusa, karena dalam "hari Merrie Lama Inggris," pikir uskup salahnya pos berburu partai. Jadilah ini sebagai mungkin, yakin itu adalah bahwa banyak dari para pejabat gereja awal Lincoln, meskipun istana mereka Wooburn sudah dekat di tangan, sering lebih suka tinggal di rumah sederhana-manor Fingest. Salah satunya adalah Henry Burgwash, yang telah meninggalkan kenang-kenangan tinggal di sini lebih menyenangkan untuk generasi dari dikreditkan pada dirinya sendiri. "Dia," kata Fuller, "tidak baik bagi gereja maupun negara, berdaulat atau subjek;. Tapi tamak, ambisius, memberontak, merugikan Namun ia dua kali tuan bendahara, sekali kanselir, dan pernah mengirim duta besar ke Bavaria Ia meninggal AD. . 1340 Seperti ingin bergembira, "lanjut Fuller," mungkin membaca kisah yang menyenangkan kemunculan dirinya dihukum setelah kematian akan viridis viridarius -. a rimbawan hijau " Dalam Sejarah Gereja-Nya, Fuller memberikan cerita yang menyenangkan: "Ini Burgwash dia yang, oleh mungkin hanya, terhadap semua hak dan alasan, mengambil di tanah umum banyak orang miskin (tanpa membuat sedikit reparasi), beserta untuk menyelesaikan tamannya di Tinghurst (Fingest) Orang-orang bersalah, meskipun melihat roti sendiri, daging sapi;. dan kambing berubah menjadi daging rusa uskup, tidak berani kontes dengan dia yang Kanselir Inggris, meskipun ia tidak hukum atau ekuitas pada proses-nya ". Dia tetap bertahan dalam hal ini bertindak kejam ketidakadilan bahkan sampai hari kematiannya, tetapi telah membawa pada dirinya sendiri kebencian dan maledictions orang miskin, ia tidak bisa beristirahat tenang dalam kuburnya, karena rohnya dikutuk untuk mengembara tentang tanah yang ia sudah, sementara hidup, sehingga tidak adil disesuaikan untuk dirinya sendiri. Kebetulan, bagaimanapun, karena kita serius diinformasikan oleh penulis biografinya, bahwa pada malam tertentu ia tampak salah satu teman mantan akrab, apparelled seperti rimbawan, semua dalam warna hijau, dengan busur dan bergetar, dan sebuah tanduk-terompet menggantung di sisinya. Untuk pria ini dia dikenal kasus menyedihkan. Dia mengatakan, bahwa pada rekening luka yang telah dia lakukan yang hidup saat miskin, ia sekarang Terdorong untuk menjadi penjaga taman-tempat yang telah begitu lalim tertutup. Karena itu ia memohon temannya untuk memperbaiki dengan kanon dari Lincoln, dan dalam nama-Nya untuk meminta mereka untuk memiliki taman uskup dikurangi sampai batas semula, dan untuk mengembalikan ke tanah orang miskin yang telah diambil dari mereka. Temannya sepatutnya dilakukan pesannya dengan kanon, yang, dengan kesiapan yang sama, memenuhi permintaan hantu uskup mereka yang mati, dan salah satu dari prebendaries mengutus mereka, William Bacheler, untuk melihat pemulihan dilakukan dengan benar. Taman uskup berkurang, dan umum dikembalikan ke dimensi semula, dan penjaga taman-remang tidak lebih terlihat.

The Fairy Tale The Mouse Deer And The Crocodile

Briefly was 40 crocodiles that were marching from the side of the river at the side foreign him. The mouse deer agilely jumped from one crocodile to the following crocodile until succeeding in crossing the river. Afterwards he jumped above tebing that could not be covered by the crocodile while smiling glad.

Of course crocodiles angry very felt was cheated. They shouted mentioned the mouse deer as the rancid swindler. Acknowledged as Sang the mouse deer by him the chaotic animal, the trade person, the manipulation trade person and the enemy of the number crocodile of one of tricks. However elegantly the mouse deer listened to all the words of dozens of crocodiles beneath it. Afterwards after they were quiet, the mouse deer began to answer their charges.

"Dengar the crocodiles. Your enemy who was biggest not I. But two weak characteristics in the character of the crocodile. You the easy crocodile nation was manipulated by anyone by making use of two big holes in your character" said mouse deer .

“Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh “

"Today I am kind-hearted divided my knowledge about crocodile psychology. Knowledge that was more valuable than one thousand mouse deer meats. Moreover only thin mouse deer meat like aku" continued mouse deer .

“Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh “

There were two big holes in your character. Two holes that made you find it easy to be hypnotised or was made use of. First was the requirement that was abundant on the safe feeling that made you easy was intimidated and the two were the feeling of the greed that made you easy was tantaliseds.

“Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh “ violently the crocodile.


 Secara singkat adalah 40 buaya yang berbaris dari sisi sungai di sisi luar negeri dia. Kancil agilely melompat dari satu buaya ke buaya berikut hingga berhasil menyeberangi sungai. Setelah itu ia melompat di atas tebing yang tidak dapat ditutup oleh buaya sambil tersenyum senang.

Tentu saja marah buaya sangat merasa ditipu. Mereka berteriak menyebutkan rusa mouse sebagai penipu tengik. Diakui sebagai Sang rusa mouse oleh dia binatang kacau, tukang, tukang manipulasi dan musuh buaya nomor satu trik. Namun elegan kancil mendengarkan semua kata-kata puluhan buaya di bawahnya. Setelah itu setelah mereka tenang, kancil mulai menjawab tuduhan mereka.

"Dengar para buaya musuh terbesar Anda yang tidak I. Namun dua karakteristik lemah dalam karakter buaya.. Anda bangsa buaya gampang dimanipulasi oleh siapa saja dengan memanfaatkan dua lubang besar pada karakter Anda" kata rusa mouse.

"Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh"

"Hari ini aku baik hati membagi pengetahuan saya tentang psikologi buaya. Pengetahuan yang lebih berharga dari seribu daging kancil. Apalagi hanya daging kancil kurus seperti Aku" Kancil terus.

"Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh"

Ada dua lubang besar pada karakter Anda. Dua lubang yang membuat Anda merasa mudah untuk dihipnosis atau dibuat menggunakan. Pertama adalah kebutuhan yang berlimpah pada rasa aman yang membuat Anda mudah diintimidasi dan kedua adalah rasa keserakahan yang membuat Anda mudah adalah tantaliseds.

"Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh Brrrrrrrrrrgghh" keras buaya.

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